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On the Potential for Collusion Between NTC and .COM Resellers

Mr Disini doubts the ability of the NTC and the Adboard to debate the provisions on their own merits. He objects:
The Guidelines are being formulated with the participation of entities which profit from the sale of .COM domains, including PISO representative This could be construed as collusion since:

1) The Guidelines regulate DotPH yet leave COM and its resellers to operate freely.

2) The Guidelines appoint NTC as the body which negotiates pricing on behalf of Registrars, who also resell .COM domains.

3).COM resellers are on the Advisory Board, yet no one represents the Consumer or .PH Registrants

Mr Disini's paranoia gets the better of him. How can there be collusion in the Adboard when the members come from a broad sector of the IT Industry? does not control the Adboard and the PISO representative is just one of eight people who regularly attend the meetings. The merits of the proposals from the various members of the board are what determines whether the proposals get included or not. The Guidelines has been circulated widely and comments had been solicited through two public hearings. The process had not been held in secret.

The NTC does not act in behalf of the Registrars. It acts in behalf of the Registrants when the price for PH ccTLD is set. By determining what is a fair price for PH ccTLD Domain, the NTC would allow the Registrars to compete against each other in terms of service rather than affiliation with the Registry. By creating a competitive, multiple-Registrar market, the NTC would give the Registrants the ability to choose their Registrars based on price and service.

The consumer or PH Registrants are represented in the Adboard through PSITE, PICS, and PCS. The NTC and ITECC acts in behalf of the general public.

Let us ask the same questions of Mr Disini. Can Mr Disini cite any documents which detail how he chooses his Resellers, how he sets his prices, and how many Registrants there are in the PH ccTLD? Aside from Mr Disini and his relatives, who developed the policies he now uses to run the PH ccTLD Registry? Can Mr Disini point out who represents the Registrants in his company? In fact, can Mr Disini point out anyone in his company who makes decisions affecting the PH ccTLD who is not named Disini?

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root 2004-04-29